To connect the data source

You only need to connect the data source before your first import. For future changes, you’ll be able to use the same Google Sheets document and connection.

  1. In the Task Manager tab, select the Google Sheets data source, then click Continue.
  2. If required, sign in to your Google account
  3. When prompted to give access, click Allow.

    This creates a new Google Sheets document in the required format for importing data to Spotlight Forecasting. Spotlight Forecasting will not be able to access any additional documents in your Google account.

    You’re then redirected back to Spotlight Forecasting.

To complete the document and import the data

  1. From the Import tab, click Edit in Google Sheets. You can then complete this with the required data.

    For details about the format needed, and the data you can enter, please refer to the following section.
  2. Once this is complete, in the Task Manager tab select the actuals/budget data date ranges and click import.

The format and data available

The Google Sheets document which is automatically created is in the correct format to import to Spotlight. The following tabs are available:

  • Actuals - The monthly values for each profit and loss and balance sheet account, up to and including the most recent completed month. For profit and loss accounts these should be the month by month values, and for balance sheet accounts the current (cumulative) balance.
  • Budget - The monthly future budget values for profit and loss accounts only.

    Note: If you don’t have budgets set, you can leave this tab blank. You’ll be able to create your budgets later within your forecast.

  • Cash - The monthly cash movements for profit and loss and balance sheet accounts, up to and including the most recent completed month.

To update the data

If you need to update the data, you can do this from the existing Google Sheets document. 

  1. Access the Google Sheets document through your Google account, or alternatively within Spotlight Forecasting open the Task Manager tab, click the data source and then click the link to the Google Sheets document.
  2. Enter or change the data as needed. 
  3. Within the Task Manager tab, select the Actuals or Budgets check boxes and enter the date ranges you need, then click Import.

Frequently asked questions

  • My data is held in a different Google Sheets document, can I connect to this?

    No, for security reasons Spotlight Forecasting can only connect to the document created when you set up the Google Sheets connection. If you have data in another document, you can copy this into the new document to import into Spotlight.
  • I've imported the data, but some of it isn't appearing, why is this?

    If the data in your Google Sheets document hasn't imported, please ensure that the data is entered directly into the cells in the document. Values calculated by a formula will not import.
  • Some accounts don't hold the correct values after importing

    Please ensure that each account has a unique account name in your Google Sheets document. Account names are essential to identifying the individual accounts during the import process. If two or more accounts share an account name, for example if a cost account has the same name as a revenue account, this can result in incorrect values as the values from the second imported account overwrite the first.
  • Can I give someone else access to the Google Sheets document?

    Yes, you can share this document using the Share option within Google Sheets.
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