Job management charts

Billable and Non-billable - Last Year


A pie chart showing billable and non-billable time for the previous year.

Report code: JOB.TAS (billable and non-billable)

Billable and Non-billable - This Year


A pie chart showing billable and non-billable time for the current year.

Report code: JOB.TAS (billable and non-billable)

Billable vs Non-billable - This Year and Last Year


Compares billable and non-billable time against each other. Last year's data is shown in the transparent bar.

Report code: JOB.TAS (billable and non-billable)

Effective Hourly Rate - Gross


Shows the effective hourly rate for the current year and compares it to the previous year.

Formula: Revenue / Hours

Report code: REV.TRA, STA.MEM (billable and non-billable)

Effective Hourly Rate - Net


Shows the effective hourly rate for the current year and compares it to the previous year.

Formula: Revenue / Billable Time

Report code: REV.TRA, JOB.TAS (billable only)

Firm Billable Hours


Shows firm billable hours this year compared with last year.

Report code: JOB.TAS

Non-billable Hours - Pie


A pie chart showing the breakdown of YTD non-billable hours.

Report code: JOB.TAS (non-billable only)

Non-billable Hours - Chart

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A bar chart showing the breakdown of YTD non-billable hours.

Report code: JOB.TAS (non-billable only)

Overhead Burden per Hour


A bar chart showing the monthly overhead burden per hour for the current year.

Formula: Overheads / Time

Report code: EXP, EXP.COS, EXP.TAX, JOB.TAS (billable and non-billable)

Profit per Hour


Shows the profit made for every hour spent during the month.

Formula: Net Profit Before Tax / Total Time

Report code: REV.TRA, EXP, EXP.TAX, JOB.TAS (billable and non-billable)

Top 10 Time Spent on Tasks


A pie chart that shows the top 10 tasks that time is spent on.

Report code: JOB.TAS

Top 5 Billable Clients - Current Month


Shows the five clients that have been billed the most for the current month. These customers should be closely monitor to ensure they do not owe too much money.

Report code: CUS.ACT

Top 5 Billable Clients - YTD


Shows the top five billable clients for the current year. These customers should be closely monitor to ensure they do not owe too much money.

Report code: CUS.ACT

Total Hours per Month - This year vs. Last Year


Shows the total hours spent on tasks for the month and compares to the same month last year.

Report code: JOB.TAS (billable and non-billable)

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