KPI Target Scorecard

The KPI Target Scorecard measures KPIs and targets and tracks these month to month, outlining where the company has exceeded objectives, or where they are not being met.  You can report on the default accounts, or create your own.

By default, the KPI Target Scorecard picks up the values from the default KPI accounts and reports on a YTD basis. You can customise this to show your own accounts, or to include a different date range.

Change the report date range

  1. From the Customise Layout tab, locate the page containing the chart then click Customise.
  2. Then click Customise on the bottom right hand corner of the chart.
  3. In the Chart tab, click the X Axis section and change the date range to the one you need.
  4. To apply the changes, click Update.

Change the accounts to display

  1. From the Customise Layout tab, locate the page containing your chart then click Customise.
  2. Then click Customise on the bottom right hand corner of the chart.
  3. In the Series tab, select the KPI & non-financial accounts you want to report on.
  4. To apply the changes, click Update.
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