Troubleshooting MYOB AccountRight Desktop Import

When you import data from MYOB, the majority of the time everything runs smoothly.  If you do encounter any issues, please check the solutions below.

MYOB Add-On Connector Not Available

To be able to use the Spotlight Desktop Connector, the MYOB Add-On Connector must also be installed and running.  The MYOB Add-On Connector normally is automatically installed when you install MYOB AccountRight Desktop.

If there is an issue with the MYOB Add-On Connector, the message 'MYOB Add-On Connector Not Available' appears when you attempt to load your company file. To resolve this:

  1. Start the MYOB Add-On Connector from the Windows Start menu. If you cannot find the MYOB Add-On Connector under programs, you may need to contact your systems administrator to install the MYOB Add-On Connector for you.
  2. To check that this is working correctly, access the following link: http://localhost:8080/accountright

    If the MYOB Add-On Connector is working correctly, a list of your MYOB files appears.  If it is still not working correctly, the page will not load.

  3. If the MYOB Add-On Connector is working, click OK to the message in Spotlight and continue as normal. If it is not working, for further information about how to reinstall the MYOB Add-On Connector, please refer to the MYOB Help Centre.

A company is not available to add to Spotlight

If the company you want to import into Spotlight isn't available to select from the Company File drop-down list, please check that you've added it to your AccountRight Library. Only files which are in your AccountRight Library appear in the Spotlight Desktop Connector.

Note: You cannot add a company into Spotlight from a backup file, the MYOB company must appear in the AccountRight Library.

  1. Open MYOB AccountRight Desktop.
  2. From the Welcome to AccountRight window, click Open.
  3. From the Library Browser window, click Add a company file.
  4. Browse to and select your company file, then click Open.
MYOB open library r

Could not connect to the Desktop Connector

If you've already installed the Spotlight Desktop Connector, but still see this message when you go to import your data, the Desktop Connector may not be running. To resolve this, click the Launch link to run the Desktop Connector.

MYOB could not connect r

The data import runs slowly or appears to freeze

Import the data in small increments, for example 2-3 months.

Note: After your first import, you only need to import updated data, not the full data history.

A large value appears for Rounding in the balance sheet

Ensure that you've rolled your MYOB data file into the next financial year.

If you haven't done this, Spotlight doesn't receive the year end journals and this causes an imbalance, which the Rounding account rectifies.

If you prefer not to roll your MYOB data file, you can still use Spotlight. To correct the Rounding value, obtain the figure for last year's profit and manually adjust the retained earnings value for the current year in Spotlight.

Accounts appear in a different area in Spotlight to MYOB

As MYOB uses some account classifications and numbers which aren't available in Spotlight, the first time that you import your data we recommend that you check that your accounts appear in the correct section.

Note: You only need to do this after your first import. For subsequent imports, Spotlight recognises the report codes you've already set.

  1. Open the import tab, then click the required tab, for example Assets.
  2. In the Report Code column, check that the report code shown matches the type of account.
  3. If required, to change a report code click the existing code, browse to and select the new area, then click Save.

Cash values in Spotlight don't match the values in MYOB

This can occur if cash journals in MYOB have been deleted since the data was first imported.

To resolve this, re-import the historical data, for example for the previous financial year.

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