When you import data from MYOB, the majority of the time everything runs smoothly. If you do encounter any issues, please check the solutions below.
We've recently updated the process used to import from MYOB, in order to avoid timeout issues which can be experienced within the MYOB API. This means that the imports now run faster and smoother, however you may see a difference in the cash values being imported from MYOB to those imported in the past.
The import process uses the MYOB Cash Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet reports to import cash values. As MYOB treats all general journals as accrual and cash values, depreciation journals (and other non-cash journals) are treated as cash movements in MYOB, recorded in the MYOB Cash reports and therefore will show as a cash movement in Spotlight.
Sync your MYOB data, then import again. This ensures that the data held on your local computer is updated to the cloud and available for the Spotlight import.
Import the data in small increments, for example 2-3 months.
Note: After your first import, you only need to import updated data, not the full data history.
Ensure that you've rolled your MYOB data file into the next financial year.
If you haven't done this, Spotlight doesn't receive the year end journals and this causes an imbalance, which the Rounding account rectifies.
If you prefer not to roll your MYOB data file, you can still use Spotlight. To correct the Rounding value, obtain the figure for last year's profit and manually adjust the retained earnings value for the current year in Spotlight.
If this message appears when you click the MYOB data source, the authorisation to connect to MYOB has expired. MYOB only allows the authorisation to be held for a maximum of 12 hours.
As MYOB uses some account classifications and numbers which aren't available in Spotlight, the first time that you import your data we recommend that you check that your accounts appear in the correct section.
Note: You only need to do this after your first import. For subsequent imports, Spotlight recognises the report codes you've already set.