2. You now have two options to view and choose the page you want.
To view all pages of a specific type, for example all Profit and Loss pages, select the required option from the left-hand pane. All pages in that category then appear in the right-hand pane.
3. To search for pages by a specific keyword, enter the keyword you want in the box at the top of the window. All pages which match that keyword then appear in the right-hand pane.
4. Select the page that you want to add. When you do this, a new pane appears on the right-hand side of the window, showing a brief description of the page. To continue, click Next.
5. Complete the Page Settings options as needed, then click Add Page.
Your new page is added and the outline briefly appears in green.
With the Custom Page option, you can add your own content to a Spotlight report in PDF, JPG, or PNG format.
Your new page is added and the outline briefly appears in green. You can now customise the page to include your own content.